
Catapult hosts inaugural Meet Up at Hull City Tigers

We recently hosted the first of our regional Catapult Meet Ups for sports science practitioners at Hull City Tigers’ training ground in Cottingham.

Designed as an informal opportunity for knowledge-sharing and networking among sports science practitioners in the north of England, the Meet Up was attended by over 30 guests and featured presentations from Jamie Harley (Head of Sports Science, Newcastle United), Dr. Tom Little (Head of Fitness, Preston North End) and Dr. Steve Barrett (First Team Lead Sport/Data Scientist, Hull City Tigers).

Jamie Harley: Application of Catapult Technology in Elite Football

Focusing on the ways in which Catapult technology is being used to aid sports science at Newcastle United, Jamie’s presentation provided an overview of how different types of training are informed by data to feed into matchday performance.

Highlighting the importance of using data in the specific context of a club’s tactical aims, Jamie gave an insight into how sports science contributes to team success when facilitating tactical advantages through physical outputs.

Dr. Tom Little: Strategies for Different Microcycles Used in Professional Football

Although a correlation exists between high training load and performance improvement, it can be extremely difficult for sports scientists and fitness coaches to introduce regular heavy load sessions while simultaneously trying to minimise injury risk.

Offering a summary of the different microcycles that are used in elite football, Tom discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, looking at the challenges practitioners face as they look to balance players’ need for recovery with the continual drive to improve physical performance.


Dr. Steve Barrett: Applied Research and Challenging How We Use Technology

Charting the evolution of performance technology, Steve’s presentation looked at how a more applied approach to research and validation can improve processes and ensure that practitioners are getting the maximum possible value from the systems they use.  

Highlighting the importance of informing practice with the latest research, Steve also emphasised the value of an inquisitive and collaborative mindset in sports science. By establishing partnerships with local universities or opening up dialogue with industry peers, practitioners only stand to gain by sharing knowledge and learning from others.


We’d like to thank Jamie, Tom and Steve for the insights they shared on the night and all those who attended for contributing to a successful first Catapult Meet Up.

You can find video presentations and additional content from Catapult events on our YouTube channel.

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